Aunty Madge UK Opinion Polls

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Please don't hesitate to add your comments about The quality of our parliamentary candidates. Here at Aunty Madge, we encourage more open and honest remarks about issues and people who are frequently mentioned in the news. However, it is strictly prohibited to engage in hate speech, use of symbols, and affiliation with groups.

Madge's Opinion:

Subject: The quality of our parliamentary candidates - Dated: 14th Feb 2024

It's time to examine parliamentary hopefuls with greater scrutiny, given the recent controversy surrounding Labour's Azhar Ali.

Given the substantial number of candidates hoping for selection in parliamentary elections, there is likely an element of corruption or cronyism, resulting in a diversity of 'bad eggs'. Candidates need no qualifications or experience to stand, and you would at least expect the major political parties to 'filter out' those without the aptitude or ability.  Read the full article.


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